Improving safety

with easy reporting and advanced analytics

Through a partnership with SpeedTrack and the Hospital Quality Institute division of the California Hospital Association, NewVolt built PSO Pulse, a patient safety management system.

App mockup

PSO Pulse

NewVolt's PSO Pulse (with the CHPSOData private label) was originally developed to standardize patient safety data across over 400 California facilities within the Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (CHPSO). With proprietary data management tools, the platform helps users easily map their data into a standardized format, runs analytics to gain safety insights, and provides secure PSQIA-compliant storage for patient safety work product (PSWP).

Safety Event Reporting

To encourage consistent and accurate reporting of safety events, reporting must be quick, simple, and easy. To have useful analytics, data must be standardized—mapped into a common format.

These two objectives can often be at odds with each other, where more standardization requires more input from users.

NewVolt developed a unique solution to overcome this challenge. Through natural language processing (NLP) and rules-based approaches, NewVolt is able to automatically map and standardize most user data without user input, relieving the onus placed on PSO members.

Comparative Analytics

Put simply, many PSOs could be doing more with the patient safety work product that they receive from members. All too often, the main motivation of providing safety data is to gain legal protection. Many PSOs lack the tools needed to then turn that data into insights that can drive better health outcomes and achieve zero harm.

As leaders in the patient safety space, CHPSO recognized an opportunity to extract much more value from their data and blaze a trail for other PSOs.

The analytics within PSO Pulse are hand-picked to provide the most value to PSO members, focusing heavily on peer group comparisons and trend analysis.

SpeedTrack Platform

In addition to hand-picked analytics, CHPSO has chosen the SpeedTrack platform for advanced text analysis and self-service reporting.

In the patient safety space, often the best information resides in the narrative descriptions of safety events. SpeedTrack allows users to navigate narrative text in a unique and intuitive way, leading to greater insights.

Custom Taxonomies and NLP

While AHRQ provides a good baseline for even categorization, empirical evidence shows too many events being lumped into an "Other" category, which is of limited use in analysis.

To address this issue, CHPSO is pioneering a custom categorization taxonomy that allows members a more granular and useful categorization.

However, this presents a further challenge—PSOs do not want to burden members with more data mapping and categorization work. As a response, CHPSO has used natural language processing to automatically categorize events into their custom taxonomy based on the event description.

General Availability

PSO Pulse is available for your PSO. Explore the product here.

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