Recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have enabled us to take clinical narratives and extract useful information. We manage the complex infrastructure while you enjoy the results.
NLP has exploded in recent years, yet practical applications are still out of reach for most. NewVolt has the technical sophistication to deliver useful NLP solutions for your use-case.
NLP on clinical data presents unique challenges of abbreviations, technical terms, PHI, and much more. Out-of-the-box NLP solutions won't cut it.
"We wanted more value for our members through enhanced reporting and an increased level of analytics of our patient safety and patient encounter data. We decided to partner with NewVolt and Speedtrack to build a platform from the ground up that directly addressed our members' needs. We have been thrilled with the result and want to share this success with other hospital associations and PSOs."
Robert Imhoff
President, HQI/CHPSO
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